Dance! Slide your feet across the floor, Jump up, Dip down, Bang your head, Till your hair frees, And cover your face. Go into a trance! See the lights, the battle, Giant machines pulverized into pieces. Like broken lives, Headed in every random direction, Racing, towards stars unknown. It's a war, raging in space, Of only metal and light, And darkness. No flesh or blood. Soulless! Far, From the blue oceans, Green mountains, And concrete jungles. Far away, From your home, Your bed, From the sensation of her lips. And far away from the amazon locker that says, "You have 40 seconds to pick up your items." At 192 beats per minute. Collect the pieces, before they drop. Ditch, the double-spaced bullshit! Fuck, the ten-minute breaks! Burn, the envelopes with lines in RED. Blow up the ships black and hazy grey, Torch the stripes and stars in space and get ready! Drop! It's war again. Peaceful, and Serene!