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Showing posts from 2023

"There have never been a Revolution without a starving mass"

Politics that advocate taking power is doomed for failure, and toxic, maybe!   In  Snipers in the kitchen ", @MonederoJC examines the failures of the leftist movements across Central and South America. He talks about how centers of power, which are very much intact after a populist leftist movement takes power, align to undermine and defeat the leftist project. "Snipers" he refers to are these institutions; mass media, the judiciary, police/military, and of course, the market forces -- the capital, and their minions, the traps laid in every corner of the house. The 21st century repeats are only a stone's throw away from where ever one is, from Syriza, Corbyn, Chile to maybe whatever the whole left-progressive thing in the US was ? At the end of the day none of these movements garnered enough momentum to make a dent in the power structures that they fought to defeat. I think we are much deeper in 💩 than just not having powerful popular institutions though (i.e The Ma...